Sunday, December 19, 2010

One week in & Gift Certificates

This weekend marked my one week anniversary of opening. It has been fun fun fun and I do not even mind for a second working every day of the week. People are already getting stronger in just one week and it is so fun and exciting seeing people of all ages and levels partake in the same workout.

Things I have heard this week:
"I have NEVER done this before" welllll noone has cause these are the first and only Megaformers in New England! And guess what just about everyone is a beginner right now!

"I'm nervous" ....There is NOTHING to be nervous about. Yes it is tough but it is low impact on your joints. Getting an awesome workout should not make you nervous. I think after about 30 seconds people let go of that and just give in to this unique workout. I encourage everyone to listen to their bodies and provide many modifications to each move so that you can still get the positive affects of the move but being true to what your body needs/is telling you.

"that was 40 minutes?" yup! feels more like 15-20. As I have said this week it is like an ADD workout, it moves quickly to keep up that heart rate, but as soon as you start feeling like you can't go on, we change it up!

"how do I get a gift certificate?" Lots of people are wondering about gift certificates. You just get to our mindbody online booking page through the website. Click on "online store" then find the tab below that says "gift certificates/credit" and you basically create an account for someone (if they are new) and credit their account. Or you just credit an already existing clients account. You can choose from different templates and print it out but they do not need the actual handout to redeem it for it will automatically be in their account.

There are so many options for people whether it is options with the schedule or purchasing packages. Of course there is the introductory $149 for the first month and $5 for your first class, but there are also 3,5,10,15 & 20 class packages.
A great gift for the Holidays!

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