Wednesday, April 27, 2011

May's Charity Class- CCFA May 11th 7:30

A few weeks ago we had our very first charity class and raised $140 for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I have been very connected to this organization after losing my mother to multiple myeloma 9 years ago. This is my first year not participating in an endurance event with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training and raising money. I wanted to still find a way to give back not only to causes that are personal to me but to those causes close to the BPP family.

So this month we are doing a charity class for The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. One of our fave clients Jamie (also a wonderful yogi) lost her mother to complications with this disease. Here is a little bit about Jamie and her mother.
Benefit Class for CCFA (Crohn's and Colitis Foundation)

As some of us know first hand and others can imagine, one of the toughest things a girl can go through in life is losing her mom.  I lost my mom three years ago this May 14th.  It was very sudden and unexpected, although she had been in the hospital for a month prior because of complications from her Crohn’s disease, an incurable illness she had since she was 19.  Neither she nor the doctors nor our family expected the turn of events that happened.  She lost consciousness on Mother’s Day, hours after we visited with her.  She survived three days on life support until she passed away at just 61 years old and sadly missed her son’s wedding 2 weeks later and my wedding a year and a half later.  She’ll never get to meet her grandkids.

Crohn’s disease is not usually life threatening, but it is always life altering.  I have memories of family trips and vacations being cut short because my mom was in so much pain from her illness.  Although my mom was tough and courageous about living with it, it really compromised her quality of life.  I’ve been supporting the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation (CCFA) since she passed away.  They use their money to research a cure for two related illnesses, of which we don’t even fully know the cause.  It is my hope that we can honor her by supporting this cause and help prevent other families from having to endure this extremely painful illness.  At BPP, we’re all fortunate in that our bodies allow us to exercise and move in a way that supports our health.   The donations from this charity class can help others keep that freedom as well.

Thanks Jamie for sharing your story with us and we look forward to giving back May 11th at 7:30. There are 10 spots and you do have to preregister. You can sign up to class without using any of your classes and bring a $10 donation to participate. 

We will be doing a charity class once a month and are always looking for organizations to donate to!

Thanks for being so supportive and we so appreciate you stopping by!


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